Published on August 7, 2022

Aimee Fisher (2019) is an inspirational elite para-athlete and has recently been to Switzerland to compete in the WPA Grand Prix/Swiss National Championships and Daniele Jutzeler Memorial athletics competitions. She has a fierce determination to achieve her goals including competing in the Paralympics.

young woman in wheelchair on sports ova;

You’ve had an interesting career path since you left HVGS. Tell us more.

After graduating in 2019 I received an offer to study a Bachelor of Medical Sonography/Graduate Diploma of Medical Sonography (Central Queensland University, Sydney campus) and I am currently in my third year of this degree. I have always wanted to pursue a career in radiography and sonography particularly sparked my interest because I enjoy problem solving and the intellectual challenge, but it was
also a very hands-on career that I could still engage with independently in a wheelchair. I also train six days a week for athletics between the track and gym and compete.

What advice do you have for student leavers trying to decide on their future career path?

It’s important to remember that there are a lot of different pathways. Whether you know exactly what you want to pursue, aren’t quite sure and change along the way, or have to follow a different path to what you had planned to achieve your goal, everything is ultimately taking you in the right direction. Have more than just plan A and don’t be disheartened if there are a few hurdles along the way. If you have a goal or a dream keep pushing forward and don’t let anything stand in your way.

How has your education here at HVGS helped set you up for the future?

I started in Kindergarten at HVGS and followed my education here through until year 12. I’ve known a lot of the staff here for those 13 years and others just through Junior or Senior school, but the relationships you develop over time and the mentoring and support is really important. Having that support network and encouragement can really shape your approach and skillset going forward. I’m very thankful for the experiences and things I’ve learned both in the curriculum and from staff in the way of personal development and opportunities provided beyond the classroom. I’m sure each of those staff members, from teachers to support staff, will know who they are, and I am grateful for their support over the years. 


You were recently awarded the Newcastle Knights Minerva Scholarship – Congratulations. What opportunities has this presented?

What they’ve put together is an incredible opportunity. I’m currently receiving mentorship from an ex-radiography professional, the funding is assisting with my university costs, and it has opened the door for many other opportunities to share my passion for sport and education and make a difference in the community.

What is next for you?

I will continue to complete my university degree full-time and I’m on track to graduate at the end of next year before moving into a career in sonography. I also hope to complete a Master of Medical Sonography in the future. On the track my major goals are to qualify for the World Championships next year or the rescheduled championships in 2024 and then the Paralympic Games in Paris.
